Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Video for 2/25

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Mitosis Assignment for 2/4

After we watch the video, follow these links (IN ORDER) to explore more about MITOSIS

Watch the stages of Mitosis closely (and probably more than once!)

Match the stages of Mitosis

Quiz yourself on the stages of Mitosis (how did you do? you can try more than once!)

Looking for more information? Check out these links:

Another animation of Mitosis (and other cell processes)

Compare the stages of Mitosis and Meosis (another form of cell reproduction)

If you can't get some of the first links to load on your iPad, try these:

Mitosis Video

Another Mitosis interactive

Quiz yourself with flashcards

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Friday, January 9, 2015

Genetics Links for Thursday 1/16

1. Watch each video carefully.

2. In your lab notebook, write a short paragraph explaining what you think was the MOST important thing to know about each topic. (This means you will write a paragraph about Punnett Squares, and a paragraph about Alleles).

3. Write down 2-5 new questions you have about Genetics.

Art Games for Friday

I know I can't be there for Art with Deacon, but here are some fun ways to mix up our Art Fridays. Follow the links below to play some different games.

Then, if you can, comment on this post which games you liked the best!

1. Getty Museum Games

2. Plain or Fancy

3. Tate Paint (did you know Tate is famous?)

4. Imaginary City

5. Treasure Hunt

6. The Art of Video Games

7. Famous Artwork Coloring Book

8. Sketch and Paint

9. Drum Machine (you're gonna love this if your computer has sound!)

10. Breakdance

11. DJ Turntable (another one you need sound for)

Do you know of a great art/music game online? Write it in the comments and I will post it for everyone!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Genetics Link for Wednesday 1/14

Ok here's your task for Wednesday 1/14!

1. Clone MIMI

2. Breed some chickens and lemmings

3. On an index card, write one paragraph describing what you learned about about cloning OR punnett squares. Don't forget your name!

Genetics Videos for 1/12

Video #1:

Video #2:

Tuesday, January 6, 2015